Our services

MORE Engineering can investigate complex structure and geotechnical works through 2D/3D finite element numerical modelling or specific software, both in static and seismic behaviour.
MORE Engineering is responsive to the technological developments of computing and modelling tools and is equipped with advanced softwares for geotechnical and geomechanical (Plaxis, Settle3D, UnWedge, RocSupport, Lpile, Group) and structural calculation (Prosap, Robot) and CAD and BIM modelling tools (AEC Collection/Autodesk).
Simultaneously, MORE Engineering develops many applications submitted to verification and validation process.
For example, MORE is able to analyse:
underground structures (tunnels with mechanized and traditional excavation)
retaining structures for provisional and final excavation (fill bulkheads, retaining walls)
shallow and deep foundations
analysis of subsidence caused by open-air and underground excavations
slope and excavation stability and related consolidation operation (tie rods, reinforced soil, soil nailing)
water flow in soil (embankments, lowering of the water level due to excavation or pumping)
processing of data from geotechnical survey campaigns aimed to geotechnical and geomechanical characterization
back analysis by monitoring systems
structural analysis of concrete and steel structure